
Lesson 8: "Family" RelationshipsEphesians 5:22-33


This week and next our focus will be on the family (sounds like a familiar ministry from Colorado doesn’t it?). This lesson is an important one as it addresses two types of relationships at the same time: our relationship to each other as husband and if wife (if we’re married), and our responsibility to Christ as the head of the Church.

Read Ephesians 5:22-33 and answer the following:

  1. Read the following verses and list beside each what it tells you about a wife’s relationship and her responsibilities to her husband:
    1. Ephesians 5:22
    2. Ephesians 5:24
    3. Colossians 3:18
    4. 1 Peter 3:1
    5. 1 Peter 3:5
  2. Read the following verses and list beside each what it tells you about a husband’s relationship and his responsibilities to his wife:
    1. Ephesians 5:25
    2. Ephesians 5:28
    3. Colossians 3:19
    4. 1 Peter 3:7
  3. As we look at the model of Christ as Bridegroom and the Church as the Bride, what does this tell us about the role of a husband in the marriage? List some of the things Christ does for the Church that we would also then expect husbands to do for their wives:
  4. Again, as we look at the relationship of Christ and the Church, what are some of the things Christ expects of the Church that husbands should also expect of their wives?
  5. If we are not married, what can we learn from these verses about our responsibilities within the Church? What do these verses tell us individually about our relationship to Christ within the Church body?
  6. Finally, what do verses 22-33 tell us about the role of parents in the marriage of their children?

I pray you will enjoy your studies this week, and that through them, Christ will you draw closer into His family. In our physical class, we will look at the Old Testament customs used in a Jewish betrothal and marriage; and, in comparison, how Christ, as the Head and Bridegroom, has gone to prepare our home for us and will be coming back shortly for us, his Bride. You can read about His Wife and the Wedding Reception he has planned in Revelation 19:7-9 and Chapter 21.

Have a great week everyone!

Yours in Christ,
