
Lesson 9Mark Chapter 9


In this lesson, we will be studying Mark Chapter 9. Jesus continues to teach both his disciples as well as the crowd that has been following them in the area of Caesarea Philippi. Confirming Peter’s statement that Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus is now completing his teaching on what is required to follow him. We will observe many amazing things in this chapter, including Jesus telling the disciples for the second time that he will be crucified and will rise from the dead. In this chapter, Jesus will tell us what true discipleship means, and the battle that we are to wage against allowing sin into our lives.

Caesaria Philippi
Caesaria Philippi

Let’s read through Mark Chapter 9 and consider the following questions.

  1. Mark informs us that after six days, Jesus took only three people—James, John and Peter—up into a high mountain with him where they were all alone. On the seventh day, Jesus was transfigured before them. What does the word "transfigured" mean? (see Mark 9:1-3, Romans 12:2, and 2 Corinthians 3:18)
  2. Jesus’ transfiguration showed the disciples in a physical way what Jesus will be like when he comes again in glory—his body had been transfigured into that glorified body. They saw him as he will be when he returns in power and glory to establish his earthly kingdom. During this event, two men miraculously appeared with him. Who were they, who tells us who they were, and what might we be able to tell about heaven as a result of this event? (see Mark 9:4-6)
  3. Did God make it abundantly clear that Jesus was his only son, that he was the true Messiah? (see Mark 9:7)
  4. Following God’s command to "Listen to him!," Moses and Elijah disappear; and the disciples stand alone with Jesus. As they head back down the mountain, Jesus instructs them not to tell anyone what they had seen. He had said this before, but this time was different. When did Jesus say that they would be allowed to talk about the transfiguration event? Since they believed in a future resurrection, why were they discussing what "rising from the dead" meant? (see Mark 9:8-10)
  5. In Mark 9:11, it may seem strange to us to observe that, while the disciples are descending the mountain with Jesus and wondering amongst themselves about him being resurrected, they would ask a question about Elijah coming before the Messiah. But upon further reflection, we need to put ourselves in their place. They have just witnessed an unbelievable event, an event where Elijah himself was present, God declared Jesus as the Messiah; and, following that, Jesus began talking about being resurrected. Why do you think they associated these events with the coming of the Messiah to set up his earthly kingdom? Read Malachi 3:1-4 and Malachi 4:5-6. Both of these passages would have been well-known by the disciples.
  6. Jesus understood his disciples’ question and he answered it with one of his own. First, Jesus confirmed that their understanding was correct, i.e., that Elijah would come first with a message that would prepare the way for the Messiah, He followed up by asking them a question aimed at getting them to understand that rejection and suffering would follow—long before the Messiah returned to establish his world wide throne. He asked them, "Why then is it written that the Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected?" (see Mark 9:11-13)

    In other words, if Elijah has already come and that prophecy has been fulfilled; then what about the other prophecies concerning the Messiah that tell of suffering, pain and rejection? Read Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, again, two passages the disciples would have been familiar with. How do they apply to this question? How does Revelation 11:3 also apply?
  7. As they finished their descent from the mountain and caught up with the remaining disciples who had stayed behind—remember, Jesus only took three with him up the mountain—Jesus sees that a large crowd has gathered around the disciples. What on earth are they arguing about? Read Mark 9:14-29. The actual miracle is that Jesus once again casts out a demon, this time again from a child; but there is so much more in this passage. What can we learn about demons in general from this passage, look carefully at all of the details we are given, what can we learn?
  8. As Jesus continued along their journey back to Capernaum, he once again predicted his death and resurrection. Again, the disciples did not understand; but, unlike for Jesus’ previous prediction, this time they chose to not say anything. (see Mark 9:30-32) Arriving at Capernaum for the last time, we now find Jesus in the house; and he asks them what they were arguing about as they traveled on the road. What did they tell him that they were talking about, and what was his answer to them? (se Mark 9:33-37)
  9. John now reports to Jesus that someone, a disciple—a follower of Jesus but not one of the chosen twelve—was driving out demons in Jesus’ name; and they had rebuked him for doing so. How did Jesus respond, and how does it apply to our work as servants of Christ? (see Mark 9:38-50)

Having taught the disciples about his coming kingdom and their role in it, Jesus now prepares to begin his journey to Jerusalem. He will continue to teach the disciples about many things over the coming days, as they head toward his eventual death and resurrection. In our next lesson, we will study his teaching on the subjects of divorce and wealth, as well as his third and final prediction of his death and resurrection. We have much to learn as we strive to be faithful servants, in the coming segments of our study, Jesus will teach us much. May our hearts be open to his teaching.

In His Name,


