Old Testament Survey

Lesson 6Joshua (Chaps. 10-24) & Judges (Chaps. 1-16)


We continue our Old Testament Survey as we conclude our quick look at Joshua and begin looking at the book of Judges. In the previous lesson, we looked at the realities of siege warfare and what Joshua and his untrained army were facing as they began to capture the Promised Land. In this lesson, we will conclude our study of the book of Joshua and being looking at the book of Judges and the "sin cycle".

Below are your assignments for this lesson:

  1. Read Chapter 10 of Joshua. After studying the "all night march", describe what it teaches us spiritually.
  2. Research and list below man’s explanations for Joshua’s "longest day"—see Joshua Chapter 10.
  3. Joshua’s victories resulted in the taking of a large amount of land. Read Joshua 11:16 and list below the lands that Joshua took.
  4. What is listed in chapter 12 of Joshua?
  5. How old was Joshua when he died?
  6. As we begin to look at the book of Judges, we need to be familiar with "the sin cycle" that we will see as a recurring theme through the book. Read the following verses and list the four stages of this cycle:
    1. Stage 1, Judges 2:13
    2. Stage 2, Judges 2:14
    3. Stage 3, Judges 2:18a
    4. Stage 4, God’s response
  7. Look up the following six Judges and provide a brief description below:
    1. Othniel
    2. Ehud
    3. Shamgar
    4. Debra
    5. Gideon
    6. Samson
  8. The books of Judges and Samuel overlap in chronology by fifty years. Compare Chapter 13 of Judges, which occurred in approximately 1095 B.C., with Chapter 7 of 1 Samuel which occurred at approximately the same time. What can we learn from this comparison?

We now find ourselves several hundred years following the original Passover when God led His chosen people out of Egypt to be set apart, to be a Holy witness for Him. As we are observing in Judges, the faith of the Israelites is weak, and the desire to follow their own lusts and their own will easily leads them to sin against God. However, God’s love is so great that, in spite of their stubbornness and lack of faith, He continues to lead them through these Judges. In doing so, He brings them closer to becoming a kingdom, first under Saul, then David, and then Solomon.

Thanks for being faithful in studying with us!

In Christ,



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