
Lesson 6: The Preexistent Christ – Part 1 w/AnswersHebrews 10:5-7

This lesson’s study is so exciting that I can’t wait to share it with you. It is one of those lessons that I pray everyone will take the time to read the scripture references in it (and there are a ton of them). Following our previous lessons on worship and service, I want to key both this lesson and the next lesson off of Hebrews 10:5-7, which references Christ before the manager.

One of the things that meant the most to me as a young Christian was discovering fundamental truths about my faith and Jesus that most other Christians already knew. I would like to lead you on a study of one of those fundamental truths in the form of a question: Did Christ exist before his birth in Bethlehem, and are we able to prove it?


In tackling this topic, I believe that we will uncover even more reasons why we should worship Christ as our Savior and celebrate his great love for us. He knew us before we were created, and he chose to come down from heaven to die as God’s sacrifice for us so that we can spend an eternity with him. During this study, I pray the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to new truths and a greater love for Jesus, as we study more about him in the coming lessons.

For now, let’s consider the question regarding whether Christ existed before his birth at Bethlehem. And, if so, how do we know it, and moreover, why is it important for us to know this? What was Christ’s role in creation, and what is the evidence in both Old and New Testaments that points to his existence before the manager at Bethlehem? We will be addressing all of these questions in this lesson.

Two fundamental observations can be made regarding Christ in the Old Testament (or in "the scroll," or in "scripture," depending on your translation). One observation is that his arrival was mentioned in a great deal of prophecy; the other observation is that he existed and was quite active from before the creation and throughout the Old Testament period.

As you will observe from the questions below, there are a large number of scripture references comprising this lesson. Please take the time to look at and study each of them. The study of these verses will help you to understand and know Christ more intimately, and to more fully understand his central role in all of God’s creation and the Church.

  1. Read Hebrews 10:5-7. What can we infer about Christ from these verses?
    1. ANSWER: Christ knew that he was going to get a human body and acknowledged he was going to be the once-and-for-all sacrifice needed for the salvation of man. The words in this passage presaged his coming to earth in human form. He had to have been with God, as the preincarnate only son of God, when he said these words.
  2. In terms of the time of Creation, look up the following scripture verses and briefly note what they tell you about Christ’s preexistence and his role in the creation process.
    1. Ephesians 3:9, Revelation 4:11, and Revelation 10:5-7
      1. ANSWER: God, in the form of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—has always existed. Nothing that exists was created by anyone but the triune God. Therefore, Jesus, as God’s only son, existed before anything was created; and, furthermore, he knew that he would become the human sacrifice required to save His very creation.
    2. Genesis 1:1-2, John 1:1-4, John 1:14, and John 10:30
      1. ANSWER: Jesus, i.e., "the Word," created the heavens and the earth. He could only do this because he was with God from before the beginning of all creation. He and God are one.
    3. Genesis 1:26, Genesis 3:22, and Genesis 11:7
      1. ANSWER: Note that in all three of these passages God refers to the Trinity when it says "us." Jesus is part of the Holy Trinity and existed before any of these references.
    4. Colossians 1:15-17, Isaiah 48:12-13, Isaiah 48:16, and Revelation 1:17
      1. ANSWER: All things were created through Jesus and by Jesus—all things. He is "the First and the Last."
  3. In terms of his preexistence, look up the following scripture verses and briefly note what evidence they offer that Christ existed before his birth. In other words, how can we tell from these verses that Christ actually was a being before his physical birth?
    1. John 3:13
      1. ANSWER: Jesus came down to earth from heaven.
    2. John 6:33
      1. ANSWER: Jesus, the "bread of life," came down from heaven.
    3. John 6:38
      1. ANSWER: Jesus came down from heaven to do God’s will.
    4. John 6:46
      1. ANSWER: Jesus is from God.
    5. John 6:51
      1. ANSWER: Again, Jesus is the "living bread" that came down from heaven.
    6. John 6:62
      1. ANSWER: Jesus would ascend to where he "was before."
    7. John 8:23
      1. ANSWER: "I am from above...I am not of this world."
    8. John 8:42
      1. ANSWER: "I have come here from God...God sent me."
    9. John 8:52-58
      1. ANSWER: "...before Abraham was born, I am!"
    10. John 16:27-28
      1. ANSWER: "I came from God...and I am going back to the Father."

As we can see from scripture, the evidence is overwhelming that Christ not only existed before the manger at Bethlehem, but that he was the central figure in the creation of all that was created, including us. He chose to take on a fleshly form so that he could offer himself as our sacrifice. It is startling to consider that before anything was created, Christ elected to take on flesh and bones for all eternity so that he could come and be God’s sacrifice for us. What a marvelous savior we have, that he would create us, provide for us, sacrifice himself for us, and prepare a new heaven and new earth for us so that we may spend an eternity with him! How great is that?!

As the old hymn says,

"Face-to-face when I see Jesus,
Face-to-face how will it be,
When in rapture I behold him,
Jesus Christ who died for me."

Is there any better reason to worship our Lord and Savior? May His holy presence richly bless you as you study this exciting scripture with us.

In Christ,



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