1 Timothy

Lesson 3 w/Answers1 Timothy Chapter 2

We continue our study of I Timothy by looking at Chapter 2, where Paul provides Timothy guidelines for true worship. As we explore Chapter 2, several things related to worship will surface.

Timothy the Apostle

So, as you read Chapter 2, keep the above in mind and see how God will open our eyes to true worship. My prayer is that from this lesson, our individual worship and our corporate worship will grow deeper and more meaningful.

During the early days of the church at Ephesus, Paul and Timothy fought many challenges to the new church, among them was imparting to the new converts an understanding of true worship and cautioning them to avoid the practices created by false teaching. We will examine these false practices as well, as we study Paul’s letters to Timothy.

After you have read through 1 Timothy Chapter 2, consider the following:

  1. Paul begins this chapter with an immediate command. What are we, first and foremost, to do in worshiping God? (see verses 1-2)
    1. ANSWER: We are first and foremost to pray; we are to lift up prayers of supplication, intercession and thanksgiving—and on behalf of all people, including kings and all those in high positions.
  2. Why are we to do the above? (see verse 3)
    1. ANSWER: In order that we may live a quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
  3. What does Paul then tell us that God desires for all people? (see verse 4)
    1. ANSWER: God wants all people "to be saved" and to "come to the knowledge of the truth." This is not exclusive to the Jews, which was incorrectly being taught by some in the church.
  4. In order for God’s above desire to happen, what key understanding does Paul point out to all of us? (see verses 5-6)
    1. ANSWER: That there is "one God," i.e., "one mediator between God and men—the man Christ Jesus." There is only one way for man to be saved—only one, not many as false teachers might suggest—and that way is through Jesus the Only Son of God.
  5. In proclaiming the Gospel, which Paul asserts is why he was "appointed a preacher and an apostle," what claim against him is he addressing in this letter? (see verse 7)
    1. ANSWER: The false teachers at Ephesus were accusing Paul of preaching for gain and attention, and that what he was teaching wasn’t actually the truth.
  6. What does Paul say that he wants the men of the church to do, and where? (see verse 8)
    1. ANSWER: In "every place," Paul wants the men of the church to pray, "lifting up holy hands without anger or quarreling."
  7. Paul also has instructions for women. What does he instruct them regarding worship? (see verses 9-15)
    1. ANSWER 1: He tells them that women should dress respectably, in "modesty, and with propriety."
    2. ANSWER 2: Furthermore, they are to "continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control."

Paul’s instructions regarding what it means to truly worship God came with instructions that, over time, have been seen as leaning heavily in a negative way against women’s roles in the church; but this is not true. In fact, nothing can be further from the truth. In this chapter, as with other parts of the letter in general to Timothy, Paul is addressing several big issues impacting the church at Ephesus and the work of spreading the Gospel.

In our review of this chapter, we observe other issues that Paul is addressing, including the lack of sincere prayer for, and concern about, others—including the lack of prayer for the leaders of the community and the government in power. They were neglecting one of their primary responsibilities, that of praying and interceding for others so that the name of Jesus would be lifted up; and furthermore, that the life changing power of prayer and transforming power of the Gospel would be witnessed by others.

To compound things further, the men of the church were quarreling, and there was a corresponding lack of unity that was affecting the life of the church and its witness. The women of the church were not dressing properly, nor behaving in a way that honored God; and over all of this were the false teachers trying to influence how the church worshipped, as they made disparaging remarks about the Apostle Paul. Within this setting, Paul is writing the church, bringing to their attention to what true worship is, and pointing out how they should comport themselves so that in everything they did, they would honor God.

Today, just as then, this remains the true worship of God: a desire to be in prayer with God, while lifting up the needs of others and praying for the spreading of the gospel message. In unity and proper dress, we should reflect God in everything that we say and do, In doing so, we honor God, and we worship Him in a manner worthy of the salvation that his son Jesus brings to all.

Today, more than ever, we need to remember something that John taught us in John 4:24, "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

In Christ,



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