Mission Statement
I've been a "seeker" since I was very, very young and began asking my grandmom (who lived with us) and my mom and dad pretty heavy duty questions from the time I was five.
As I grew older I quickly realized there were two standard responses to any seeking person's Bible questions: (1) "There's no right or wrong answer; each person has to decide what the verse means on their own", or (2) "What does that verse mean to you?" (If I knew what the verse meant, why would I be asking the question in the first place?!)
What I learned as time went on was that everyone has basic questions about God, Jesus, our purpose for being and meaning for life, why do bad things happen to good people, what happens to us when we die, etc., etc.; and just about everyone has a hard time understanding the Old Testament and end-time prophecy.
I also learned there were people in this world and resources available where you could get real answers and you didn't have to feel stupid about asking even the most basic questions, e.g., "why are some of the verses in my Bible printed in red?" or "where did Angels come from, and will I become one when I die?" While researching the available resources, the Lord provided more and more understanding; and the pieces started falling into place for me. This energized me to want to teach others what I had struggled to learn and to show everyone that, if you work at it, the Bible makes perfect sense and provides a sense of peace that goes beyond understanding.
I want this site to be like that. Anyone who has a question or is trying to study on their own, either a non-believer or believer is welcome at the site. I want to continue to populate it with great teaching aids, real lessons that people can use to address real problems or questions they have on everything from abortion and homosexuality, to managing money, having a career, raising children, and so on.
Today my simple weekly Bible Study lesson goes out to around 125-130 people and is actually used by over 150 folks. We have everyone in the group from Pastors and one Seminary Professor to professionals of all sorts, preschool teachers, and even shut-ins, one of whom gets the lesson read to them each week by her daughter. My prayer is that this site will enable this ministry to grow, and that it will equip people from every walk of life and every age group as they see God's will for their lives.
Finally, I know what it's like to start with no knowledge or incorrect knowledge and grow. Between my own experience and that of my wife, we know about the struggle it takes to grow, and so I want to dedicate a section to "discipleship": helping folks grow in their daily walk as they struggle with finding the answers they need.
My prayer is that you'll find the answers you seek here as we explore God's word together. He tells us that if we'll seek Him like fine gold, He'll hear us and teach us. I hope this all makes sense; it's not about me - it's all about God and His Son Jesus and learning more about both every day in a non-threatening and encouraging way -- the Bible calls it “edification”...but we'll stick with the word “encouraging”.
Thanks for visiting the site, and don't hesitate to let me know if there's something specific you're challenged by, or struggling with; and always feel free to suggest ways that we can improve this ministry.
Yours Always in Christ,