Acts of the Apostles

Lesson 13Acts 15:1 - 16:19

In our last lesson we looked at how Paul and Barnabas went about spreading the Gospel, first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. We saw that once their mission was complete, they returned to their home church in Antioch and gave a full report. They continued in Antioch for a "long time with the disciples" according to Acts 14:28. It is believed that Paul wrote the book of Galatians during this prolonged stay in Antioch. If you have the time, reading the book of Galatians in conjunction with both the last lesson and this one will give you a deeper understanding of both of these lessons and of Paul’s life as a servant and teacher of the Gospel.


Our study for this lesson finds Paul and Barnabas in Antioch and continuing to teach, just as Paul had been called by the church in Antioch to do many years earlier.

Read Acts Chapters 15:1 through 16:19 and consider the following.

  1. Read Galatians 2:12, Exodus 12:48-49 and Genesis 17:14. How do they relate to Acts 15:1-2?
  2. In Acts 15:3-5 we see Paul, Barnabas, and other witnesses who were traveling with them, passing through Phoenicia and Samaria. As they go, they tell everyone about the conversion of the Gentiles. How is this news received? In particular, how is it received in Jerusalem?
  3. Wisely, the Apostles and Elders held a meeting and you can imagine the discussion that took place. List the reasons Peter uses to argue for no circumcision? (see Acts 15:6-11)
  4. James supports Peter’s reasoning with scripture, Amos 9:11-12. Following this, what instruction does he suggest be given to the Gentiles? (see Acts 15:12-21)
  5. In Acts 15:22-29, it is recounted that the Church in Jerusalem sent Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch with a letter detailing their decisions. They also sent along Judas, called Barsabbas, and Silas as well. Why?
  6. As we close our study of Chapter 15, what happened between Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15:36-41?
  7. Why did Paul believe Mark was not ready to go on another mission trip? (see Acts 13:13)
  8. What relationship was Mark to Barnabas? (see Col 4:10)
  9. In Acts 15:39-41, how did God use the dispute?
  10. Paul is now traveling with Timothy, Luke, and Silas; and he is preparing to preach to many towns inhabited by Jews. Before they journey to these towns, Paul circumcises Timothy. Why would he do that? (see Acts 16:1-5)
  11. Paul is led in a vision to take his team to Macedonia, as described in Acts 16:6-10. On the Sabbath, while they are in Philippi, who do they speak to? (see Acts 16:11-15)
  12. In Acts 16:16-19, Paul and Silas also come into contact with another woman who stands in stark contrast to Lydia. Who was she, and what did they do to her?

This lesson provides us a lot of insight into how the Apostles, and those who followed their teachings, went about reaching both the Jew and Gentile for Christ. We also see that in spite of occasional disagreements, Christ prevailed as the Holy Spirit led the Church through its early days and the gospel was taken to foreign lands. Demonstrating their strong faith in Christ, Paul and his companions face many challenges, but through them all, the gospel prevails and Christ is glorified.

Thanks again for studying with us, have a great week everyone!

In Christ,

