
Lesson 1: IntroductionEphesians 1


This lesson is the beginning of a new study on the book of Ephesians, and I encourage you to remain faithful as we study this very important and extremely interesting book. I wonder how many of you know how important this book is! You will come to see it as we study together.

For you first assignment, read the first chapter of Ephesians and complete the following:

  1. Read the first chapter. List the verse(s) where you find the following words:
    1. Predestination, or Predestined
    2. Mystery of His will
    3. Dispensation
  2. Write out a short definition for each of the above words or phrases:
    1. Predestination, or Predestined
    2. Mystery of His will
    3. Dispensation
  3. These three key words/phrases point to one of the most fundamental and profound precepts in all of the Bible and set the tone for the rest of the great doctrine Paul will provide us in this letter. What is so profound about this chapter? Now, re-read the chapter, trying to get a sense of the overall message in this chapter. Then read again verses 4 and 5. What strikes you about these verses and what they tell us about God and his creation (i.e., us)?

Have a great week everyone.

Yours in Christ,
