
Lesson 2: Entering God’s Rest w/AnswersHebrews 3:7-4:11, Psalm 95


As we continue our study of Hebrews, the writer leads us to look at entering "God’s rest", and the types of things that can keep us from that rest. I pray that this lesson will encourage you to find rest and peace in God and the assurance that comes from knowing that our Savior Jesus Christ is also our High Priest. Just as the Jews celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we should also remember that our sins have been atoned for in Jesus’ perfect sacrifice. Because of that, we can enter God’s rest and we can boldly approach His throne of grace.

For this lesson, there are only seven simple questions, but I urge you to give some thought to each.

Read Hebrews 3:7 - 4:11 and Psalm 95; then consider the following:

  1. In our worship time—either alone or corporately—who are we to be lifting up?
    1. ANSWER: Jesus. "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2, NIV). In the second half of Hebrews Chapter 2 and the beginning of Chapter 3, the writer is making it clear that we are saved through Jesus and his sacrifice for us. We are to worship him and him alone—not the angels or any human, only Jesus who saves us.
  2. In Hebrews 3:7-8, whose voice are we to listen to?
    1. ANSWER: We are to listen to Jesus, "the living God." We are told not to harden our hearts to his voice, but to be attentive to it.
  3. How can you know that you are listening to the right voice? What indications are present if you are in fact listening to the right voice?
    1. ANSWER: God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit, He has sent the Holy Spirit to teach us and to be our guide as we walk the path that God has chosen for us. His voice will provide discipline, rebuke, nurturing, comfort, and wisdom—all for our benefit in God’s kingdom and in following God’s will. It will not always be what we want to hear or to do, but it will always be for our benefit as a follower of Christ. Man’s voice comes from man’s heart and follows man’s wisdom. It will seem appealing and attractive; it will be deceiving and will lead us off of the path that God has chosen for us. Read the following as examples of both: Genesis Chapter 3, Isaiah 55:6-8, James 1:12-18, and 2 Timothy 3:16.
  4. What does Hebrews 3:9-10 tell us about following God’s will versus our own will?
    1. ANSWER: We can see from this example that not following God’s will cause His anger to be against you. He tells us that in not following His will, we will not know his ways. Just as we saw from the previous question, Isaiah 55:8 tells us that God’s ways and thoughts are different than ours. We cannot know what they are if we are not following His will. Rebelling against His will always leads to failure, while being in His will always leads to righteousness and success in accomplishing His desire for us. Read Psalm 1:2-3.
  5. What arouses God’s anger? (See Hebrews 3:11.)
    1. ANSWER: Following our hearts instead of listening to the Holy Spirit. By following our own desires, our own likes and dislikes, we put ourselves in the position of God, and we make ourselves to be a god. This angers God who wants the best for us, but our desires blind us to His will for us. Read 1 John 2:16. In this verse, John warns us about the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. All of these are traps that we can easily succumb to if we are not walking in God’s Holy light.
  6. How do we enter God’s rest? (See Hebrews 4:2-3.)
    1. ANSWER: We can only enter God’s rest through our faith in Jesus the Christ; there is no other savior. Read Isaiah 44:8 and 45:6, and John 10:30.
  7. Describe in a few words what Psalm 95 says to you.
    1. ANSWER: We are to worship God and God alone; do not harden your hearts or ignore his voice. "let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song." (verse 2). See also Psalm 100:4, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."

Let us vow to strive to be one in God’s will, lifting up his name in worship and praise. If we listen—James tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak—we can hear God’s voice, we can know the path to follow, and we can find eternal rest in His loving arms. I pray that He will bless you as we study His Holy Word together.

In Christ,



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