
Lesson 13 w/AnswersJohn 13:1 – John 14:31

As we continue our study of the Gospel of John, there is one thing that we especially need to remember regarding God’s word, and this fact is that it is His Holy Word. The natural consequence of this is that every word, paragraph, page, and chapter is extremely important. If we examine the Gospel of John at a high level, we will notice something very important: one fourth of John’s Gospel, twenty-five percent, focuses on only the last six hours of the evening of the Last Supper and the events leading up to Jesus’ arrest.


Acknowledging that this very short period of time occupies one-fourth of his gospel, there must be something, or some things, so important that it is imperative that we carefully read and understand them. It is indeed striking that, considering all of Jesus’ ministry, John chose to focus this much attention on such a short period of time; again perhaps as little as six-to-eight hours out of Jesus’ entire ministry. Let’s keep this fact in mind as we study John Chapters 13-17 over the next several lessons, which will cover just this one evening—the most important evening in Jesus’ ministry.

As was the case for our previous lessons, we will observe John’s emphasis regarding how important proper timing was in everything that Jesus did. As you read the scripture passages for this lesson, starting with John Chapter 13, note the opening verse and its reference once again to time.

So read through John Chapters 13 and 14, and consider the following:

  1. John now takes us inside Jesus’ inner circle for the last few hours before he is betrayed and crucified. We find ourselves dining with the disciples; it will be a special and sacred evening indeed. Review Chapter 13, and list all of the things that Jesus "knew" in these verses.
    1. ANSWER 1: Jesus knew that his "hour had come."
    2. ANSWER 2: He knew that this meant he would be leaving this world and going to the Father.
    3. ANSWER 3: He knew that this would be the last time he would be having dinner and spending time with his disciples. He loved his own and would until the end.
    4. ANSWER 4: He know that the devil had already convinced Judas to betray him.
    5. ANSWER 5: He knew that God had "given all things into his hand" and that he was going back to God.
    6. ANSWER 6: He knew that he had to teach many things to the disciples before he left; and the first lesson was on servanthood—something that the disciples did not understand yet.
    7. ANSWER 7: He knew that he would be betrayed that night, and he knew who would do it, and how it would happen.
    8. ANSWER 8: He knew that where he was going, the disciples could not come with him.
    9. ANSWER 9: He knew that the disciples needed a new commandment, something that would set them (and the rest of Jesus’ followers) apart from this world.
    10. ANSWER 10: Finally, he knew that Peter would deny him three times.
  2. From the same passage, John Chapter 13, now list all of the things that the disciples knew.
    1. ANSWER 1: The disciples knew that the Passover was coming.
    2. ANSWER 2: They knew that Jesus was their Lord, and not their servant.
    3. ANSWER 3: They knew Jesus was a great teacher.
    4. ANSWER 4: They knew that Judas was the disciple who was responsible for handling all of their money.
    5. ANSWER 5: They knew that they wanted to be wherever Jesus was; but they had no idea where Jesus was going, nor that he would shortly be arrested and handed over for crucifixion.
  3. Having examined what both Jesus and the apostles knew as they sat down for dinner, we now have a better sense of how far apart the disciples were in their understanding of just who Jesus was. What two things does Jesus teach them that also applies to us today? (See John 13:13-17 and John 13:34-35.)
    1. ANSWER 1: First, Jesus teaches us that our primary role is as a servant, not a master. We are to serve the Lord who saved us, and we are to serve and minister to whoever he places in our path or leads us to. Serving is a primary and fundamental precept of following Christ. He establishes a model in this passage and makes it clear that all of us are to follow it.
    2. ANSWER 2: Second, Jesus gives us a new commandment: that we love one another just as Jesus loves us; and, furthermore, that this love should be the love Jesus shows us—love that is bestowed in spite of who or what we are. This is how we are to love one another, in spite of who or what we are, just as Jesus loves us. Considered together, these two teachings in Chapter 13 prescribe the life of anyone who is a follower of Jesus. We are to serve and to love. In Matthew’s Gospel, we are taught to seek first the kingdom of God. In that kingdom, serving and loving are integral components of our lives as part of the Kingdom. Let us strive to live our lives in this way, today and every day.
  4. In John Chapter 14, we observe Jesus continuing to take his precious and dwindling time on earth to teach the disciples important lessons. Let’s see what else we can also learn from his teachings on that fateful evening. In John 14:1-7, Jesus teaches us two important things. What are they?
    1. ANSWER 1: First, he indicates that there is a place being prepared for each one of us in heaven, and Jesus is the builder. He is doing this so that we can be with him for all of eternity.
    2. ANSWER 2: Secondly (and more importantly), he teaches us that the only access to God the Father is through Jesus. He is very clear in this teaching. Jesus is the only way; there are no multiple paths to God or salvation. Jesus is the only answer.
  5. Having described his work in preparing our heavenly home, and having identified himself as our only path to God and salvation, Jesus proceeds to teach us something else. Read John 14:8-14. Through the words of Jesus recorded in this passage, he now opens the eyes of the disciples (as well as our own eyes) regarding the works that we will do in his name. What does he tell us?
    1. ANSWER: Jesus tells us and his disciples that he is giving us the power to do the same works that he did; and, further, that we will be able to do even "greater works than these." Profoundly, he has given the disciples new teachings about loving and serving, and now he is telling them that in his name they will be able to do miraculous things. We have that promise as well. But do we forget this at times? Indeed we do. However, should strive to always be mindful that, through Jesus, all things are possible.
  6. Jesus continues teaching and opening the eyes of the disciples to many things that they had never known, nor considered. Now he tells them about something completely unexpected. Read John 14:15-17 and described what he is now promising them.
    1. ANSWER: Jesus indicates to them that he is sending them a Helper—and not just any helper—but a Helper who will be with them forever.
  7. After telling the disciples about the Helper he is sending them, he tells them something else that is even more difficult for them to understand. Read John 14:18-24. What is he specifically telling them in his assertions that he is leaving them; however, they will see him, but the world will not?
    1. ANSWER: Jesus really confuses the disciples at this point in his teaching. He tells them that even though he is leaving them and they will see him no more, they will in fact see him—but the world will not. When they ask Jesus how this is possible, his answer is something that we as Christians all take for granted today. He tells them that anyone who loves him and follows his commandments, he and the Father will come and "make our home with him." We have that assurance: that if we put our faith in Jesus, he will live within us. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Helper)—the triune God—will live in the hearts of each one of us, and we will know that Jesus is real because of their testimony. "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Jesus shows them that what separates us from the rest of the world is the Holy Spirit’s presence living in us.
  8. Jesus concludes the evening meal with a final teaching before telling the disciples, "Let us rise and go from here." What is the last thing that Jesus reveals just before the dinner is over? (See John 14:25-31.)
    1. ANSWER: He tells them that the Father is sending them the Holy Spirit.
  9. After announcing that God is sending a Helper, i.e., the Holy Spirit, what two things does he say that the Holy Spirit will do? And how do they apply in our lives today?
    1. ANSWER 1: Jesus asserts to them that the Holy Spirit will "teach you all things." Sometimes, I think that we forget that the Holy Spirit, who lives within each of us, is our greatest and best teacher. If we pray and ask, the Holy Spirit will lead us, and teach us everything that God desires for us to know.
    2. ANSWER 2: Jesus then tells the disciples that, in addition to teaching them all things, the Holy Spirit will also, "bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." This blessing enabled the apostles to write the Gospels and other books of the New Testament long after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Holy Spirit clearly brought all of the events that they had experienced with Jesus to their remembrance. It is important for us to realize this, so that we completely understand the importance and uniqueness of the Bible as literally being the only word of God. (See 1 Peter 1:16-21.)

Having imparted to the disciples so many things during their evening meal, and having dismissed Judas to go and do what had to be done, Jesus now has everyone prepared to leave the place commonly referred to as the Upper Room. Given our understanding of what the disciples thought that they "knew" before coming to the Last Supper, and now knowing what Jesus has taught them (and also conveyed to them regarding his imminent departure from them); we can only imagine their state of mind as they prepare to leave and head back up the Mount of Olives for the evening. However, as we will see in our next lesson, Jesus has not yet finished preparing and equipping them for their future without his physical presence. In fact, he will continue to teach them over the course of at least two more chapters before they actually leave and head for the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives.

As we reflect on our study, let’s especially remember Jesus’ first two teachings in the Upper Room: (1) that we are to serve, and (2) that we are to love. Then, let’s pray for opportunities in the coming weeks to do both of these in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

In Christ,



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