
Lesson 6 w/AnswersJohn 4:43 - John 5:47

In this lesson, we will observe Jesus in a third interview, or interchange; and this time it’s with a Roman. You will recall that we began our interview studies with Nicodemus, a learned and religious figure in Israel. Next, we looked at Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well; she was a Samaritan, an outcast, and someone despised by society. In this lesson, Jesus interacts with a nobleman, a ruler, in Galilee.


In the previous two lessons, the need to be born again was evidenced, and we learned that the good news, the gospel, is to be shared with everyone regardless of whom or what they are. We also learned that true worship is done in spirit and in truth—and not based solely on the trappings of a church or church service.

As we will see in this lesson, John again documents hard evidence that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah, the Christ.

So let’s have a look at John 4:43 through John 5:47.

  1. When did the nobleman believe that Jesus could heal his son? When did he believe that Jesus would heal his son? When did he know for a fact that Jesus was the Christ?
    1. ANSWER 1: He believed that Jesus could heal his son when he heard Jesus was in town.
    2. ANSWER 2: He believed Jesus would heal his son when he obeyed Christ and went back to Capernaum.
    3. ANSWER 3: He believed Jesus was the Messiah when he arrived home and saw the miracle, and he led his whole family to believe as well.
  2. What three things does this story tell us about Jesus?
    1. ANSWER 1: He knows our hearts.
    2. ANSWER 2: He can work great miracles and does not have to be present to do it.
    3. ANSWER 3: He hears us when we ask him for help.
  3. What does this story tell us about ourselves and our faith?
    1. ANSWER 1: We often look for signs just to confirm our faith.
    2. ANSWER 2: Signs aren’t needed to prove Jesus is the Christ.
    3. ANSWER 3: To walk with Christ means to have faith in him even when we can’t physically see him.
    4. ANSWER 4: We need to share that faith so that others will believe.
  4. John 4:54 mentions that this healing was the second miracle. What was the first?
    1. ANSWER: Turning water into wine.
  5. Read John 5:1-16. When did the crippled man believe in Jesus?
    1. ANSWER: Never; Jesus took all of the initiative.
  6. What did the crippled man do to thank Jesus once he was healed?
    1. ANSWER: Nothing; he pointed Jesus out to the authorities at the Temple and they accused him of doing work on the Sabbath.
  7. What is the significance of this passage? Why would John have chosen this specific healing, since the man Jesus healed didn’t even believe that Jesus was the Messiah? (see John 5:16)
    1. ANSWER: Because it was this event that caused the religious leaders of the day to begin plotting Jesus death; from this incident on, they saw Jesus as a direct threat to their authority.
  8. Read John 5:39-47. What "scriptures" is Jesus referring to when he says that they speak of him? What would we call these scriptures today?
    1. ANSWER: The Old Testament
  9. How do we know for certain that Christ is referring to what today we call the Old Testament? (see John 5:46)
    1. ANSWER: Because he specifically refers to Moses and his writings.
  10. What are some of the key ways in which the Old Testament "speaks" of Christ that specifically could be found in Moses’ writings?
    1. ANSWER 1: Manna
    2. ANSWER 2: The Rock that was struck
    3. ANSWER 3: The offering—Passover
    4. ANSWER 4: The High Priest
    5. ANSWER 5: The Snake lifted up; and many others

So, in this lesson, we observe Jesus teaching us about faith and its power; and about his power to heal and help us, even when he is not physically present. We also find that the Old Testament is packed with prophecy and signs about Jesus, and how each of these—along with the witness of the Disciples and others—validates His claim that He indeed is the Messiah, our Savior, and the only way to God.

I pray that all of you will have a blessing-filled week, and that you won’t hesitate to tell others the Good News about Jesus.

Have a great week everyone, and thanks for studying with us.

In Christ,



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