2 Samuel
Lesson 72 Samuel 13
Our study this week is a sad and tragic look at broken family relationships, rape and murder. What a dramatic turn of events has occurred from the earlier chapters of David’s successes (politically and in battle) and his strong walk with the Lord, to last week’s adultery and murder of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah. And now this week, his children turn on each other with rape and murder.
While all of this may sound like a soap opera – or the latest Hollywood movie – tragically, it is a story repeated in our own neighborhoods, or families, even today. As we study this lesson, let’s pray that God will sensitize us to those around us who have been physically or mentally abused or who are dealing with the tragedy of murder within their family.
For our lesson this week, read 2 Samuel Chapter 13 and answer the following questions:
- In last week’s reading, 2 Samuel 12:10, what did the Lord tell David would happen to his family as a result of David’s committing adultery and having Uriah murdered?
- In 2 Samuel 13:1 and 13:4, what does it tell us about Amnon’s feelings for Tamar?
- Based on the rest of the story, do you believe Amnon actually loved Tamar, or did he simply lust after her and call it love?
- How can we tell the difference between lust (or being tempted) and true love? Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. List the ways that we can know love from lust or hate. See if you can see the opposite of these in Amnon’s and Jonadab’s actions that prove Amnon did not actually love her.
- Did David know what his son had done to his daughter? (See 2 Sam. 13:21)
- Upon learning of the rape of his daughter by his own son, what did David do?
- How long, from the time of the event to Amnon’s murder, did David know of his son’s behavior and yet took no disciplinary action? (See 2 Sam. 13:23)
- Do you suppose that David might have prevented the murder if he had taken action?
- In 2 Sam. 13:22 what is Absalom’s attitude toward his brother as a result of the rape?
- How long did Absalom harbor this hatred? (See 2 Sam.13:23)
- With all the hate that Absalom was hiding in his heart, it affected his clear thinking and he began to lie to his father, the king, and to plot the murder of his brother. Is it possible that David’s attitude toward Bathsheba, his adultery and lust, and his murder of Uriah spawned a similar attitude in Amnon and Absalom? Do children pick up or develop their parents’ habits and attitudes?
At the end of story we see that Absalom, a son David loved very much, stayed in exile for three years. In a span of two years, David’s entire family had been rocked and torn apart by a rape, murder, and many broken family relationships, including the one that David had with Absalom. How tragic that we see these same things occurring today in families close to us. Today’s lesson teaches us the importance of being good parents and role models for our children. Abuse, rape and murder aren’t only Old Testament evils; they are with us even today.
As Christians, we need to be sensitive about those around us who have experienced some or all of what David’s family did. As ministers for Christ, each of us is called to minister to children and families such as these – even when they’ve become adults. Whether it is family related or church related, like the crisis in confidence we observed with the Catholic Priesthood, we must guard against being judgmental and strive for being comforting and supportive.
Just as in David’s story, we are all victims when violence splits a family. Let us each pray that Christ will use us to minister and heal the victims of family violence and abuse.
Thanks for studying with us, may God bless you as you grow and work in His kingdom.
Yours in Christ,