
Lesson 7Daniel 7


We continue our study of Daniel by looking at Chapter 7, which marks the beginning of Daniel’s prophetic dreams and visions. We will be examining the symbols contained in these visions and dreams, as well as other details about them provided in the book of Revelation, Chapters 12 and 13.

Read Daniel Chapter 7 and Revelation Chapters 12 and 13; then consider the following questions:

  1. Consider that through the first six chapters of Daniel, we looked at the events in Daniel’s life chronically as they related to the kings he served, ending in the last lesson with the reign of Cyrus the Persian. Now read the first verse of each of Daniel Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and note the following:
    1. Which King is mentioned, and in what year?
    2. Who had the dream or vision mentioned in each of the above chapters?
  2. To form an interpretive basis for our study of the prophetic dreams and visions of Daniel, we need to understand the concept of a "prophetic year".
    1. What is the length in days of a prophetic year?
    2. How many days would be found in one half of prophetic year?
  3. Read the following references: Daniel 7:25, Daniel 9:27, Revelation 11:3, Revelation 12:14, Revelation 13:5. Based on these verses, what can we determine is the time meant by the phrase "a time, times, and a half time" in terms of years, or days, or months?
  4. What characteristics are described within Daniel 7:21-25 regarding the "fourth kingdom" which indicate that it is a future kingdom?
  5. The prophecy referencing the fourth kingdom has never been fulfilled in all of history. Even the Roman Empire does not have this history, i.e., ten kings with three of them subdued by a one-world ruler. There has never been a world ruler with a confederacy of ten, then seven, kings supporting him. In addition to setting up a one-world kingdom, what things can you think of that set this particular king apart from all other kings ever known in history? (See Daniel 8:23-26, for example.)
  6. Based on our reading of Revelation Chapters 12 and 13, who or what is described in the following passages:
    1. Revelation 12:1-5 (see also, Gen 37:9)
    2. Revelation 12:7-17 (see also Daniel 7:7 and Revelation 13:1)
    3. Revelation Chapter 13 (see also Daniel 7:21-25)

As we continue to observe from our study of the book of Daniel, God laid out through prophecy the specific schedule of events and the role of Satan and Christ in bringing an end to the times of the Gentiles; and then ushering in the eternal reign of Christ. In our next lesson, we will take a close look at that schedule, as we examine Daniel’s dream about the seventy weeks.

Thanks for studying with us, and have a great week everyone.

In Christ,



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