
Lesson 9 w/AnswersDaniel 9


In this lesson, we continue our examination of Daniel’s visions and God’s prophecies regarding the end of the "time of the Gentiles", the return of Christ, and the establishment of His millennial reign. Having studied the four beasts, the Anti-Christ, and the kingdom that will be in place when Christ returns, we now turn our attention to the timing of these events.

Read Daniel 9:1-27; then consider the following:

  1. In Daniel 9:2, Daniel states that he knew that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. How did he know this, and what was his reference?
    1. ANSWER: He knew this from the prophet Jeremiah, as documented in Jeremiah 25:11-12.
  2. What does Jeremiah 25:11-12 say will happen to Babylon at the end of the 70 years? Did this in fact happen?
    1. ANSWER: Jeremiah prophesied that Babylon would be made "desolate forever". This has yet to happen, and therefore did not happen at the end of 70 years; since neither the Medes nor the Persians made it "desolate forever".
  3. Based on the accounts found in Isaiah 13:1-22 and Revelation 18:1-24, what do many people believe will happen to Babylon between now and when Christ returns?
    1. ANSWER: They believe that Babylon will be rebuilt and will prosper in all its glory prior to Christ’s return. Subsequently, it will be completely destroyed forever by Christ.
  4. Read Jeremiah 29:10-14. While Jeremiah 25:11-12 spoke of the destruction of Babylon that would occur in "seventy years", what does Jeremiah 29:10-14 refer to, and over what period of time?
    1. ANSWER: The captivity and the desolation of Jerusalem were only to last seventy years, and these events were literally fulfilled. The desolation of Jerusalem began in 586 BC, and the first rebuilding in Jerusalem did not begin until 515 BC, thus leaving it desolate for seventy years from 586 to 516 BC.
  5. Review Daniel 9:24-27 and list the six things that were decreed for Daniel’s people and the city of Jerusalem during the "seventy ‘sevens’" (or seventy seven-year periods).
    1. ANSWER 1: To finish transgression.
    2. ANSWER 2: To put an end to sin.
    3. ANSWER 3: To atone for wickedness.
    4. ANSWER 4: To usher in everlasting righteousness.
    5. ANSWER 5: To seal up vision and prophecy.
    6. ANSWER 6: To anoint the Most Holy.
  6. For review, how many days are in a prophetic year? (see Daniel 7:25, 12:7, Revelation 11:2-3, 12:6-7,14, and 13:5)
    1. ANSWER: A prophetic year equals 360 days. Also,42 months equals three and one-half years; which is referred to as "time, times, and a half time", or 1,260 days.
  7. Using a prophetic year as a measure, we can set the date of the beginning of the "seventy ‘sevens’" (i.e., 70 "prophetic weeks" or seven-year periods, also equal to 490 years) at 444 BC. This which would therefore place the first sixty-nine "weeks", or 483 years, at the time of Christ’s death on the cross (AD 33). Furthermore, the first sixty-nine "weeks" are comprised of an initial seven "weeks", followed by sixty-two more. Correspondingly, what does the phrase "the Anointed One will be cut off" refer to, with respect to the end of Week 69?
    1. ANSWER: It refers to the crucifixion of Christ.
  8. Write a brief interpretation of Daniel 9:27.
    1. ANSWER: This passage indicates that essentially 483 years, or 69 "weeks of sevens", were fulfilled at the crucifixion of Christ. Thus, the last week (or seven-year period known as the seventieth week) is yet to be fulfilled. It will be fulfilled, as John Walvoord writes in his book, Every Prophecy of the Bible, "when the ruler of the ten nations in the Middle East, who yet will appear, will fulfill the description as being a ruler related to the people who destroy the city of Jerusalem that is the Roman people. He will begin the final seven-year period by making a covenant of peace with Israel, which will be broken after the first three and a half years."

In the next lesson we will explore Daniel’s prophecies concerning the Anti-Christ and his rule, which will lead up to the return of Christ and the establishment of His eternal kingdom. While end-time prophecy may be difficult for us to completely understand, and much may need to be taken on faith, it does provide us with the knowledge that God has an eternal plan—and in that plan, all of the followers of Christ will be resurrected to serve with Him, spending an eternity in the presence of God in a completely new and wonderful place that could easily be called "heaven on earth".

Have a great week everyone, and thanks again for studying with us.

In Christ,



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