Angels and Demons: Debunking the Myths

Lesson 11Demonology: Part 2

Angel Demon

We conclude our eleven-lesson study of the Angels, Satan, and the Demons with an examination of demon possession. Perhaps no greater misunderstanding exists regarding this topic than anything else you may study in the Bible. Superstition, lack of knowledge and understanding, and the media all combine to transform demon possession into a wide range of fictional activities and events targeting commercial markets. All the while, and behind it all, Satan and the demons continue their real work, amused I’m sure by our lack of real understanding in this area.

Once again, let’s try to set aside all that we think we know about demon possession and look at what the Bible tells us about it. In doing so, we will finish this course of study by debunking the myths around demon possession.

Consider the following questions and exercises:

  1. Define the following terms:
    1. Paranormal
    2. Poltergeist
    3. Ghost
  2. What is the basic difference between a poltergeist and a ghost?
  3. Why do the definitions of poltergeists and ghost not correlate with our understanding of demons (or Satan, for that matter)?
  4. Define demon possession.
  5. As far back as the early Egyptians, demons were seen in everything and were regarded to be the cause of all manner of disease and illness. By the time of Christ’s earthly ministry, it was clear that people were beginning to understand the difference. Read Matthew 4:23-24 and Luke 8:26-35, what does each of these passages show us about the differences?
    1. Matthew 4:23-24
    2. Luke 8:26-36
  6. What did Christ demonstrate in Matthew 12:22-28?
  7. What is significant about Christ’s instructions in Matthew 10:7-8?

While we have examined a few instances above for which Christ cast out demons, there are many examples of this in the New Testament. I have included a compilation of them that I found on Wikipedia here.

And so we conclude our study of the angels, Satan, and the demons. My prayer is that through it all, God has opened your eyes to the spirit world around us and the to the truths about His ministering angels and the evil of Satan and his followers.

In Christ,



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