Challenging Questions People Ask

Lesson 8 w/AnswersHow Many Wives Will I Have in Heaven?

We continue our study looking at challenging questions people ask. This lesson’s question is "How many wives will I have in heaven?" Related to this topic, we will be looking at angels, along with heaven, death, and the resurrection. As believers, all of us should have a solid understanding of these subjects. With this knowledge our faith will grow stronger, as we will be unlikely to be misled by faulty doctrine, and we will also be better equipped to witness to those around us.


Have you ever wondered about angels, heaven, life after death, and the resurrection? Most of us have at one time or another. Do we become angels when we die? Will heaven be a place that we sit on clouds or stand on Crystal Rivers and sing hymns continuously to God as we strum our harps? Let’s take some time to consider these questions as we ask God to expand our understanding of things unseen and things to come.

As something a little different, you can also use a resource on the website. At the bottom of any page on the site, click on the "A to Z Index" label; under the "A" listing, select "Angels" and you will be routed to a corresponding lesson on this subject. The scriptures cited in that lesson should help you with this lesson as well.

First, read Luke 16:19-31.

  1. What are some of the major differences between what happened when Lazarus died versus when the Rich Man died?
    1. ANSWER 1: Lazarus was taken to heaven by angels, while the Rich Man died and went to Hades alone.
    2. ANSWER 2: Lazarus was taken to the "bosom of Abraham," a place of rest and refreshment, while the Rich Man was in Hades alone and not resting; in fact he was very thirsty.
    3. ANSWER 3: Lazarus was at peace, while the Rich Man was not.
  2. What do you observe about the conversation between the Rich Man and Abraham? (Remember, the Rich Man and Abraham are both "dead.")
    1. ANSWER 1: They are carrying on a normal conversation.
    2. ANSWER 2: The discussion is around physical things—thirst, water, rest, the Rich Man’s brother, etc.
    3. ANSWER 3: The conversation begins as almost a continuation of life. It appears to be as normal a conversation as we would experience walking the face of the earth—albeit the conversation is about the Rich Man being in Hades and Lazarus being with God.
    4. ANSWER 4: The Rich Man’s arrogance and pride continued even after dying and seeing Abraham and Lazarus in a better place than he was.

Now read Matthew 22:23-32 and answer the following:

  1. What does Matthew 22:31-32 tell us about death and our relationship to God?
    1. ANSWER: That God is the God of the "living" not the dead. We need to remember that eternal death is an eternal separation from God. Yes, when we die our physical body ceases to exist, but our spirit lives on, either in Heaven or in Hades awaiting judgment. Some even believe that we are given a heavenly body until the resurrection when we get our eternal body.
  2. Based on this scripture and the scripture you read in Luke about Lazarus and the Rich Man, do we become angels in heaven?
    1. ANSWER: No.
  3. How many wives will we have (assuming we were married before we died)?
    1. ANSWER: None.
  4. What will happen to my wife and me in heaven if there is no marriage or giving in marriage, and why is this so?
    1. ANSWER 1: Christ teaches us that in Heaven and, in particular, the "New Heaven and New Earth" all things will be "new." This doesn’t simply refer to something that is shiny-clean-and-never-been-used-new; it means the new that refers to something completely different. The microwave oven for example, when it first came out was referred to as a "new" way of cooking. The world that is coming for the Saved (i.e., the world that we will spend eternity in) is "New." It doesn’t have night, it never gets dark, there are no stars, no sun, no death, etc. And in that new world, we won’t need to have babies and families, because we will all be one large family—God’s family.
    2. ANSWER 2: In my earthly family today, I have eight other brothers and sisters; in heaven I will have two more sisters, as these died at birth. On earth today, my wife, whom I love very dearly, and who has known and grown up with my family for almost 45 years has literally become as close to them as a sister; and indeed, many of my brothers and sisters look on her as one of the family, another sister. Between her and myself, there is a love that can hardly be defined, let alone explained. She is my helper, my partner, my friend, my counselor, and my adviser. And when we get to heaven, she still will be all of those things; and I will love her as much then as I do now—but we won’t need to be married, and we won’t need to raise a new family. Instead, we will live and work side by side in God’s kingdom in the new heaven and new earth, worshipping and serving Him eternally—and together, along with all my brothers and sisters, parents, relatives, and friends. But society will be different then; it will be "new," and the foolish question that the Sadducees asked will be irrelevant—and that is what Jesus told them in his answer.

My prayer is that from this lesson, you will come to see that (1) angels and man were created as separate and distinctly different creatures, and (2) that while physical death robs us of this body, we do not die. instead, we are either carried to heaven, paradise, or the bosom of Abraham (depending on which scripture you read) by angels, or we die alone and go immediately to Hades to await the final judgment.

Heaven is a terrific place, but it doesn’t require us playing harps and sitting on clouds. The new heaven and new earth that Christ is creating for us to live and work in is beyond description. Now all we need to do is get the gospel out to the world before this age ends and final judgment comes to man.

Have a great week; may God bless you as you study with us.

In Christ,



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