
Mountain MovingDiscussion

Seems like growth is everywhere we look these days at Southview. Attendance in both Sunday worship and Sunday Morning Bible Study is up (and it’s the summer). Church finances are in good shape. This year we had two significant mission trips occurring simultaneously, and both were outside of the U.S.   Summer programs for the children are well attended and ongoing, new visitors are coming and returning on a regular basis, new families are joining, and most importantly people are being saved and baptisms continue to be a part of many worship services. It’s an exciting time at Southview, and as Elders we believe this is only the beginning of what God is planning to do.


We also know that with growth come many challenges. In the weeks and months ahead we are certain there will be obstacles, roadblocks, resource limitations, and many unforeseen events that may cause us to waiver from the work God is preparing for us. I’m reminded this week of just how great and awesome God is and of Jesus’ teaching to his disciples about faith. In Matthew 17:20 he tells them that with only faith the size of the tiny mustard seed you can say to a mountain move and it will move.

How awesome is that!? Is there anything God cannot do, is anything impossible for Him? Of course not, and yet it is during times of great change that we see our faith tested most, and coming at us head-on is great change. All of us can sense God’s working within the body at Southview, and we as Elders realize with change and growth come great responsibility. We know that God will only provide us with what we demonstrate to Him we can be good stewards of, and it is in these early days of new growth that we need to step up and demonstrate to Him how capable we are through our deeds and words. In this way we will reveal to Him and the world around us the level of our faith and commitment to His son Jesus and to the building of Christ’s church.

Job tells us that God even moves mountains without the mountains knowing it, and Ezekiel tells us God is awesome and to be feared or respected. He tells us that God will overturn mountains and their cliffs will crumble and fall to the ground. As we return from our summer vacations and begin to look at the coming months at Southview, let’s remember that we serve an awesome God with whom nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible. If we’re about accomplishing His will and His work, we will succeed; God will make it so – even if we have to move a few mountains to do it.


August 12, 2008

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