Missions: 13 Weeks
Week 1ESOL
Welcome to the beginning of a new study. This quarter rather than study a book of the Bible we’re going to study the work Christ calls us to do and how that work is supported by scripture. Typically referred to as “being on mission” we’ll look at all the activity that takes place in God’s Kingdom in meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world.

Our first week we’ll look at something called ESOL, a ministry that teaches English to people whose native language is something other than English. Our church has initiated an on-site ESOL program here at Southview.
Let’s get started!
- This week we’ll look at missions work as it relates to the aliens living among us. Before we look at the ESOL mission let’s look at what God’s Holy Word tells us about how we are to relate and care for the aliens who live among us. Read each of the passages below and note what each tells us about this ministry area:
- Exodus 12:48-50
- Exodus 22:21
- Leviticus 19:10
- Leviticus 19:33
- Leviticus 19:34
- Numbers 15:15
- Deuteronomy 10:17-20
- What do the letters ESOL stand for?
- Is ESOL confined to the United States? If not what other geographic regions use ESOL Programs?
- Are you required to speak the student’s native language in order to teach ESOL?
- In ESOL students are assigned a level according to their English proficiency. What is the level designation given to a beginning level student?
- What is the basic mission of the ESOL Program?
- Clearly ever since God sent Moses back to Egypt on a mission to free the Jews God has been sending His followers on missions of all types. Some to capture lands, others to capture people, and the greatest mission of all the sending of His Son to free the world from sin. Look at these two passages, list the work described in each:
- Isaiah 48:10-17
- Acts 11:19-30, 12:25
Let’s pray this week for this important mission, ESOL and ask the Lord to open our hearts showing us how we can help meet the needs of the aliens who live among us, and in what capacity we can support the mission of ESOL.
As we begin this thirteen week study I’m praying God will open our eyes to the needs around us and the opportunities He’s making available to us to be involved in meeting those needs. Let’s commit to being open to service as God calls each of us to new work in His Kingdom.
Yours in Christ,