Interpreting Prophecy
Lesson 5Satan in the End Times
Last week, we reviewed “the times of the Gentiles” where we discovered the image Daniel saw represented Gentile domination and rule through four great world empires. We also studied how the fourth great empire, the Roman Empire, will be rived and become the form of government the Antichrist will use to rule the earth. In the end God and His Son Christ (the stone in Daniel’s dream) will crush the fourth empire and establish their eternal dominion and rule over all the earth, depicted as the mountain in Daniel’s dream. We also added to our symbol list, sea – meaning a large mass of peoples, and beast – a large evil kingdom. We also saw that “the little horn” represented the antichrist and that a “horn” is representative of a power and that the antichrist will form an alliance with ten world powers in which he will set up his rule. He will take advantage of three of these powers being weak and will subdue them and take their power so that he and seven horns will rule – thus we see the picture painted of the beast with seven crowns but 10 horns. And finally we saw that the prophetic year is made up of 360 days and that the expression “time, times, and a half time” represents three and a half years or 42 months. Our focus now shifts to Satan himself as we continue our study on end time prophecy.

In Isaiah 14:13 we read that Satan stated “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God…” Our study this week will look at Satan, who he is, his work, his fall, his future. Satan has many names throughout the bible, from Lucifer and serpent, to the devil and – in the book of Revelation – the dragon. Because he is God’s adversary – and therefore ours, it is important for us to learn about him. More importantly for this current study on end time prophecy we really need to know about him, his plans, and his defeat, for all of end time prophecy focuses on God’s Judgements, Christ’s return, and of course the final defeat of Satan.
Read Isaiah Chapter 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:11-19. These passages have a double meaning as they apply to two kings of the day, but also clearly to Satan. After reading these two passages answer the following:
- Was Satan originally an Angel or a Brother of Christ’s?
- What does Satan mean when he says “above the stars of God”? Does he mean there is a physical heaven above God that has stars in it? (Let’s add stars to our symbol list – see Revelation 1:16-20 and 22:16 for examples of stars.) Therefore, what is Satan saying?
- From the description of Satan in Ezekiel can you tell how many horns Satan has coming out of his head? Is he red in color? Does he have the feet of a donkey? Are his ears pointed? What does Ezekiel say about how Satan looks – describe him in the space below:
- Can you see in these passages why knowing what a mountain symbolizes adds so much to our study? What do these passages say about Satan and God’s Holy Mountain? Can you determine from this portion of your study what Revelation 12:7-9 might mean?
- Read the following passages - Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-51, Acts 1:9-11, and Rev 19:11-21. List the things we can determine about Christ and his Second Coming from these passages.
- Read again Ezekiel 28:19, and then read Revelation 20:10. What do both of these passages tell us about Satan?
- From what you’ve learned in our studies so far, and from reading, Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:6 and 12:14 and Revelation 20:7-10 – describe Satan’s remaining timeline. We know for example that he was created with the Angels and walked in the Garden of Eden, he declared he would exalt himself above God, and is daily trying to devour those who would follow God and Christ. What will be the next events that happen with him and to him?
Have a great week everyone!
Yours in Christ,