Interpreting Prophecy
Lesson 6The Nation of Israel
Last week, we took a close look at what scripture tells us about Satan, his plans and schemes, and his final outcome - and eternity in the lake of fire. We learned that Satan was the most high, most beautiful and most full of wisdom angel and that he allowed all of this to turn to pride. Deciding to place himself above God he became a fallen angel and many angels who would follow him fell as well. In the middle of the tribulation period he will be cast to earth and will do things which will amaze everyone and cause the lost to worship him as God. But in the end Christ will return and totally defeat him.

This week we’ll look at the Nation of Israel, the Jews, God’s chosen people, the descendants of Abraham to gain a better understanding of their role in the second coming of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom on earth.
Read the following passages and answer the questions below. (Genesis 12:1-2, 13:14-17, 15:1-7, 15:18-21, and 17:1-8.)
- How long is the covenant in effect that God made with Abraham (when does it expire)?
- How long will the great nation continue?
- How long will they possess the promise land when they finally possess all of it?
- How do we know that the promise land belongs to the Jews? The followers of Islam claim Abraham as their father – and some proof exists that perhaps he was, as the father of Ishmael. If they are right then why is the promise land not theirs instead of the Jews, or shared with the Jews. Read Genesis 17:18-21 – who does God tell us will possess the promise land?
- Read Deut. 28:63-66. Because of the stubbornness of God’s chosen people they failed to follow his commands and by 585BC would be scattered throughout the known world, living among many other nations, but never having a nation of their own again. Now read Jeremiah 23:7-8, and Ezekiel 39:25-29. What do these verses tell us about the Jews and the promise land?
- God made a new covenant with the Jews. Read Jeremiah 30:1-4, and 31:8-10 when will this new covenant be fulfilled?
Have a great week everyone!
Yours in Christ