Interpreting Prophecy
Lesson 7The Millennium
Last week, in class it seemed like we barely got into the material on the return of Israel to the promise land when class was finished. So this week we’ll continue to look into what it will be like when Christ returns, what will be happening to God’s chosen people, where will they be living and what will they be doing?

Rather than a lot of questions this week I would rather have you read a lot of material and come prepared to discuss what you’ve read on Sunday. For those on email I pray that the few questions we have this week will help you as the Holy Spirit gives all of us great insight into an exciting part of the Millennium – the return of God’s chosen people to the promise land.
Questions for Lesson 7:
- Read the following passages: Genesis 13: 14-18 and Genesis 15:18-21, and Numbers 34:1-12. After reading these passages, look at a map of the Middle East, try to draw an area on paper that roughly shows the boundaries of the Promise Land.
- Read the following passages: Ezekiel Chapters 36:22-38, and 37:1-38. This passage refers to God bringing life back into the people of Israel. As you read these verses make a list of all the things God promises to do when He brings them back to the Promise Land.
- Skim through Ezekiel Chapters 40 through 47:1-12. All of this activity is happening during the millennial reign. How many things can you list that will be different about this Temple and period of time compared to previous Temple periods?
- Read Isaiah Chapter 61, it refers to the future glory of Israel. After reading it, and the other passages this week, do you think the Old Testament Jews are saved? Why? (See Isaiah 60:16 for instance.) (For some added insight with this question, if you have a word search or word count Bible program find out how many times the words “redeemer, redeem, redeemed, and salvation appear in the book of Isaiah, the number will surprise you.)
Have a great week everyone!
Yours in Christ