
Lesson 2: Entering God’s RestHebrews 3:7-4:11, Psalm 95


As we continue our study of Hebrews, the writer leads us to look at entering "God’s rest", and the types of things that can keep us from that rest. I pray that this lesson will encourage you to find rest and peace in God and the assurance that comes from knowing that our Savior Jesus Christ is also our High Priest. Just as the Jews celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we should also remember that our sins have been atoned for in Jesus’ perfect sacrifice. Because of that, we can enter God’s rest and we can boldly approach His throne of grace.

For this lesson, there are only seven simple questions, but I urge you to give some thought to each.

Read Hebrews 3:7-4:11 and Psalm 95; then consider the following:

  1. In our worship time—either alone or corporately—who are we to be lifting up?
  2. In Hebrews 3:7-8, whose voice are we to listen to?
  3. How can you know that you are listening to the right voice? What indications are present if you are in fact listening to the right voice?
  4. What does Hebrews 3:9-10 tell us about following God’s will versus our own will?
  5. What arouses God’s anger? (See Hebrews 3:11.)
  6. How do we enter God’s rest? (See Hebrews 4:2-3.)
  7. Describe in a few words what Psalm 95 says to you.

Let us vow to strive to be one in God’s will, lifting up his name in worship and praise. If we listen—James tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak—we can hear God’s voice, we can know the path to follow, and we can find eternal rest in His loving arms. I pray that He will bless you as we study His Holy Word together.

In Christ,



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