Old Testament Survey
In this series of lessons, we will be taking a look at the Old Testament.
It is difficult to explain just how much my walk with Christ and my understanding of the Bible has been impacted by having a solid understanding of the Old Testament. It is my prayer that this will be your experiece as well, as we study the lessons below together.
I realize that there is no way through this study on the website that I can do justice to an Old Testament study -- especially compared with a six-month-long seminary course complete with a professor, text books, and a ton of reading and written assignments. But I'm praying that even with our resource limitations, God will greatly bless each of you as study this very important area with us.
To help you keep track of dates and events, I have included a few study helps, courtesy of Rose Publishing. The first of these is an Old Testament Time Line. (This is a large file, and may take a little while to download to your computer.) The second of these helps is a Holy Land Time Line.
- Lesson 1
- Introduction
- Lesson 2
- Genesis
- Lesson 3
- Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers
- Lesson 4
- Numbers (cont'd) & Joshua (Chaps. 1-6)
- Lesson 5
- Joshua (Chaps. 5-9)
- Lesson 6
- Joshua (Chaps. 10-24) & Judges (Chaps. 1-13)
- Lesson 7
- Judges (Chaps. 13-21) & Ruth
- Lesson 8
- 1 Samuel (Chaps. 1-8)
- Lesson 9
- 1 Samuel (Chaps. 8-16)
- Lesson 10
- 1 Samuel (Chaps. 21-31)
- Lesson 11
- 2 Samuel (Chaps. 1-11)
- Lesson 12
- 2 Samuel (Chaps. 11-17)
- Lesson 13
- 2 Samuel (Chaps. 18-24) and 1 Kings (Chaps. 1-8)
- Lesson 14
- 1 Kings Chapters 4 - 11
- Lesson 15
- Psalms - Part 1
- Lesson 16
- Psalms - Part 2
- Lesson 17
- Proverbs
- Lesson 18
- Job
- Lesson 19
- Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon
- Lesson 20
- 1 and 2 Kings (Part 1)
- Lesson 21
- 1 and 2 Kings (Part 2)
- Lesson 22
- 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles
- Lesson 23
- The Major and Minor Prophets
- Lesson 24
- Isaiah’s Prophecies (Part 1)
- Lesson 25
- Isaiah’s Prophecies (Part 2)
- Lesson 26
- Jeremiah
- Lesson 27
- Lamentations
- Lesson 28
- Ezekiel
- Lesson 29
- Ezekiel: Visions and Prophecies
- Lesson 30
- Daniel (Part 1)
- Lesson 31
- Daniel (Part 2)
- Lesson 32
- Daniel (Part 3)
- Lesson 33
- Daniel (Part 4)
- Lesson 34
- Daniel (Part 5)
- Lesson 35
- Jonah, Amos, and Hosea
- Lesson 36
- Obadiah, Joel, and Micah
- Lesson 37
- Nahum
- Lesson 38
- Zephaniah
- Lesson 39
- Habakkuk
- Lesson 40
- Haggai and Zecharaiah
- Lesson 41
- Malachi